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Stage 1: Discovery

We conduct structured interviews with you and your selection of participants, such as partners, senior employees, clients or advisors. We read all documentation you share with us, like business plans, market research and marketing collateral. We study your competition and your target market. And we analyze all this material to seek the vital themes.


Stage 2: Strategic Questions

From the Discovery process, we work out what we should be asking — your Strategic Questions. Knowing the right questions can be as important as knowing the right answers.


Stage 3: Strategic Foundations

In collaboration with you, we generate initial answers to the Strategic Questions. We assemble these answers into a short, crystal-clear presentation.


Stage 4: Immediate Action Plan

Based on the Strategic Foundations, we help you construct a plan of action for the coming months, with specific steps and timeframes directed at achieving agreed results.




Ask about an affordable Strategic Foundations Program for your business here:

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